Friday, September 14, 2007

Life at Work

Dave in the breakroom; Di eating her lunch x 2; Me signing onto the Cast Deployment System (CDS) - it rules our lives - where will I be sent to work next?? The question that we wonder all day!

Simon with a shield; Holly with Mickey Mouse stickers!; Dave in the tea stock room; Dave and Jenna at the lockers

Dave, Jenna and Laura; Holly and Dave out on the cart - they set this on timer apparently! Whatever happened to working while at work??; Dave and Laura; Holly cashing out her register

Simon cashing out; Chris; Jenna and Mark jumping for joy that the park has closed!; Jenna with all her money!

Mark "counting" money; Holly; Dave x 2

Manager Matt - we love you!; Matt and Jenna - laughing at Matt - what we do best!; Dave and Kim; Jenna and Jenna

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