Saturday, September 01, 2007

Hayley's Last Parliament House

We took over 200 pics between all of us so be prepated for a lot of photos and they're not in order either so I apologise in advance!

Taxi ride on the way there: Mark and me; Ana in a crazy wig; Jenna and Jenna; Jenna and Laura with Dave in the background

Jenna and Laura; Hayley; Jen and Laura; Ana and Mark

More taxi ride - with last pic including Nat

Even more taxi ride - now featuring Di in the last pic!

Finally we make it to Parliament House! Nat and Mark in the toilets...sorry I mean restrooms; Mark and me in the restrooms; Jenna and Dave; then Dave and Jenna!

Hayley on stage with the he-she dude x 2; Mark and Laura; Hayley and Mark

I'm not sure the rest of the pics need labelling now - it's all the same peeps!

The finger pose was to indicate they had all been here for a year!

This is a random monk statue which is outside the club which we like to pose with; My S which Hayley "borrowed" for me from the sign, now displayed proudly in my living room!

And there's Di with her "D"!

Back to more taxi journey on the way

Outside Parliament House getting ready to boogie!

Hayley getting all emotional about leaving!

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