Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Random pics from recent days

Mine and Jenna's desserts at House of Blues restaurant; Hayley's Parliament House letters that we "borrowed" from their billboard - spelling out ER - music to our ears - stands for Early Release which is always exciting to be granted when at work!

After work waiting for the bus stop - James with his new magnetic nametag which he decided to attach to the inside of his mouth; James, Laura and Jenna (x2) - you can see how the edge of the photos are misty - yeah that's the humidity and steam condensing on my camera lense - shows how humid it is here!; random photo from breakfast graduation slipped in there somehow - James, Ana and Kirsty

Hayley and Mark wearing Holly's Harry Potter cloak, when Hayley and I stopped by at Mark's after we had been to the Olive Garden - sorry invading your sleep time Mark!; our break room at work - not the most desirable of places to eat your lunch!; Kim and Hayley waiting for the "lazy bus" back to cast services instead of walking through the park to get home; 10:30 shift start time means only one thing - stop at staff canteen "Odyssey" for some breakfast!!!! - Kirsty, Holly and Jenna

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