Sorry for the delay with these photos - I've had problems with the web server recently but at last it is working - so here we go - enjoy! Sorry there are quite a lot!

Our hotel room (x2); The Bellagio (our favourite); Caesar's Palace

The Paris hotel; Outside of our hotel; walkway to hotels; Bellagio casino - well one tiny section of it!

Breakfast at the Bellagio; Beth with her carrot cake at breakfast; me at the Bellagio; interior of Bellagio

Bellagio wedding chapel - outside and in; Bellagio ash tray; me on the Bellagio veranda

Bellagio pool; the biggest chocolate fountain in the world - oh yes!

More of the Bellagio - us gambling and then the Eiffel Tower at the Paris

Escalators outside baby!; Caesar's Palace; The Flamingo with Toni Braxton plastered on it; Celine at Caesar's Palace

Me in a very fetching Elton John hat; nice Elton John underwear; the floor in the Elton John store; me at the Pussy Cat Dolls gambling table

Celine Dion poster outside the Colosseum; me in some very expensive but funky shoes!; Caesar's Palace shopping mall; one of the entrances to a gambling room

The Bellagio; the New York, New York, the MGM Grand; inside the New York, New York

Outside the New York, New York (x2) - one showing the rollercoaster going through it; The Excalibur and then us outside it

Beth and I at Dick's Last Resort bar; the Paris at night; breakfast at our hotel

Inside our limo to the grand canyon heliport

Road to Mandalay road sign - just like the Robbie Williams song!; Mandalay Bay Hotel - just like another Robbie song!; The Luxor hotel (x2)

Flying over the strip; us in the chopper on our way to the Grand Canyon

A few select images of the Canyon - I took so many!

More of Canyon; the Stratosphere hotel; Excalibur from above

Inside the Mirage - walkway leading to the Beatles 'Love' theatre; Beatles bar; me in the O of 'revolution'; Revolution sign

Revolution again (I don't know why!); Beth eating her ice cream and me with mine!; Artwork on the wall of Beatles songs

Outside of the Mirage; the Flamingo; one of the Caesar's Palace statues and one of its many entrances to its shopping mall

"Love" sign; Overnight dinner menu!; Beth and I at the Caribe Cafe

Entrance to Beatles show and more artwork

Outside of the Mirage again and then the Venetian

Inside ceiling of the Venetian and then piccies of the Canal with gondolas

Lunch at the Venetian with our cocktails while we watched the gondolas go by

Treasure Island hotel; Las Vegas Boulevard; Fashion Shopping Mall; Circus Circus hotel

Tacky wedding chapel; the Stratosphere x 2, view of the Strip from the top of the Strat

One of the rides on the Strat which shoots you off the edge of the building - 110 stories up - yes we did it!; Me clinging on for dear life outside in front of the strip at the top of the Strat

Me on the spinning ride, which spins you out over thin air and then me coming off - still alive!

The ride in action; tacky hotel; more of tacky wedding chapel and me outside pointing at my tacky ring we won at an arcade!

The Strat at night - can't believe I spun out at the top of that building!; Las Vegas monorail sign; Bar at our hotel; inside the MGM Grand - amazing architecture upstairs overlooking the casino

Us with our cocktails on last night at dinner at New York, New York; the Arc de Triompe outside the Paris hotel; and them the Eiffel Tower
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