Saturday, September 15, 2007


Jenna's throwout; Kim and me playing MarioKart in Mark's TeePee; Simon at the Florida Mall outside his very own guest services!; Me in Victoria's Secret

Kirsty and Simon trying out the interesting air hostess outfits in Victoria's Secret. Kirsty and Kim relaxing in The Sharper Image

Simon and I trying the underwear for size in Charlotte Russe; Us all in the car; Kim and her monkey at the airport; Kirsty and Simon - think I scared them a bit!

Kim, Kirsty and Simon - aww one happy family; Monkey on the escaltor; Monkey in a cute Dr Seuss t-shirt - kim refused to buy it for her and Luke's future children - boo!; Me with a giant cup in the Universal Studios store at the airport!!!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Life at Work

Dave in the breakroom; Di eating her lunch x 2; Me signing onto the Cast Deployment System (CDS) - it rules our lives - where will I be sent to work next?? The question that we wonder all day!

Simon with a shield; Holly with Mickey Mouse stickers!; Dave in the tea stock room; Dave and Jenna at the lockers

Dave, Jenna and Laura; Holly and Dave out on the cart - they set this on timer apparently! Whatever happened to working while at work??; Dave and Laura; Holly cashing out her register

Simon cashing out; Chris; Jenna and Mark jumping for joy that the park has closed!; Jenna with all her money!

Mark "counting" money; Holly; Dave x 2

Manager Matt - we love you!; Matt and Jenna - laughing at Matt - what we do best!; Dave and Kim; Jenna and Jenna

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Magic Kingdom with Mark's family

Riding at the front of the monorail!; Cinderella's Castle; Main Street USA

More pics of Main Street USA and the castle

Mark in the stocks with his bro, Adam; Adam and Mark posing in the queue for Pirates of the Caribbean; Us going down Splash Mountain - row 1 and 2; the after shot - once we were soaked!

"Dream Along With Mickey" show

The Hollywood Brown Derby restaurant at MGM Studios; my yummy cocktail; Adam, me, Mark and Jo at our table for dinner; me and Mark in the restaurant

Mark and Jo; The Tyas family; me and massive pot of Vaseline - those lips need to stay moisturised! When they say everything in the States is big they mean it - this is the only size Walmart sells!; Super-spoon Man!

Hayley and Ana's last "Wishes"

Mark with ketchup pots in MGM Studios before we went over to Magic Kingdom, with his bro and sis; Cinderella's Castle in all its glory!; Everyone smile! Group photo - going clockwise starting with me, then Laura, Kim, Jenna, Hayley, Laura, Mark, Adam (Mark's bro), Jo (Mark's sis); Bandana girls! - Jenna, Kim, Laura, Laura, Ana and Hayley

Time for the Beatles - last song! and Hayley and Ana's throwout

Anthony in "Crown and Crest" sorry I cut your head off!; Me on the stairs in Crown and Crest; a birdseye view of Crown and Crest from up the forbidden stairs which no guest can go on - mwah haa haa!

The British Invasion - Beatles tribute band!; Laura and Trevor; and again; Ana, me, Hayley and Trevor

Laura, Ana, me, Hayley and Trevor; Ana and Hayley; Ana, Jenna and Hayley; Kim and Hayley

Hayley's name tag; Hayley dancing; Ana, Kim and Hayley; Laura and Jenna

The band playing; Hayley and Laura; Hayley and Ana; Ana and Hayley with our favourite Beatle, aka Leo

Jenna, me, Laura and Ana in the Rose and Crown pub across the street from our shops; Jenna, Dave and Laura in Crown and Crest; Hayley throwing out her stuff; Dave in a recently acquired Santa hat

Holly in a very scary looking Ariel mask; Ana throwing out her stuff; Dave in another fetching hat

Hayley and Ana's last day at work

Ana, Erin and Hayley all leaving today x 2; Anthony and Kim; Ana again

Simon by our new products - the magic tricks!; Anthony; Hayley and Ana trying out the tricks on their last day

Hayley and Ana's last Alehouse :(

Hayley, Ana, Jilly and Nicki; Us tucking into the chicken nachos; Scottish lasses Ana and Jilly; English lasses me and Hayley

Northern Irish lass Nicki; Hayley piling the nachos into a box for me to take home; Little Nat

Random Times at Work

Jenna, Hayley and Laura when we braved the heat and sat outside on break; Hayley with the World Showcase Players; Hayley with manager Nicole

Us at the staff canteen at 10am, preshift for our breakfast - luckily I've been cut out of the picture!; Me and Ana on break; Jen's face when she saw the size of her KitKat - classic - I had tears streaming down my face from laughter

Trainers' Day at Animal Kingdom and Backstage at Epcot

The safari ride at Animal Kingdom

Group photo - go Disney trainers!; One of our managers, Nicole with Kim after they got VERY wet on Kali River Rapids; Eating our lunch backstage at Epcot x 2

Dinner in Canada

Me and my Glowtini; Mark and our breadsticks

Mark's duck for starter; my cheddar cheese soup - amazing!; Our barbecue steak for main

Messing around at Jen's

Just a random pic the day after we went to Parliament House. If you ever wonder what we do on our days off - this is it! Just stupid stuff!!

Hayley's Last Parliament House

We took over 200 pics between all of us so be prepated for a lot of photos and they're not in order either so I apologise in advance!

Taxi ride on the way there: Mark and me; Ana in a crazy wig; Jenna and Jenna; Jenna and Laura with Dave in the background

Jenna and Laura; Hayley; Jen and Laura; Ana and Mark

More taxi ride - with last pic including Nat

Even more taxi ride - now featuring Di in the last pic!

Finally we make it to Parliament House! Nat and Mark in the toilets...sorry I mean restrooms; Mark and me in the restrooms; Jenna and Dave; then Dave and Jenna!

Hayley on stage with the he-she dude x 2; Mark and Laura; Hayley and Mark

I'm not sure the rest of the pics need labelling now - it's all the same peeps!

The finger pose was to indicate they had all been here for a year!

This is a random monk statue which is outside the club which we like to pose with; My S which Hayley "borrowed" for me from the sign, now displayed proudly in my living room!

And there's Di with her "D"!

Back to more taxi journey on the way

Outside Parliament House getting ready to boogie!

Hayley getting all emotional about leaving!