Wednesday, March 14, 2007

More pics from Parliament House from Peter's camera - thanks!

Kyle, Beth and me in the taxi on the journey there - Abba karaoke anyone?

Suzie, Pauline, James, me, Kyle, Beth and Hayley

Me, Kyle, Mark, Suzie, Laura, Peter, Nat, Hayley and some guy I didn't know!

Another group photo - this time with a man/woman in the orange - I'm not really sure which - but s/he worked there!

Parliament House

Group photo at Hayley's before we went out

Mark and Hayley; Mark and me; Nat; Mark and Hayley

Kyle and Beth; Mark, Suzie and Kyle; Pauline, Mark and Suzie; Me and Mark

Pauline and Mark; Suzie posing; Kyle posing; Pauline, Suzie, Mark, Beth, Kyle and Hayley

Kyle and me; Beth and Hayley; Kyle, me and James; Suzie and James

Mark and Di; Kyle and Beth; Me and Kyle; Hayley

Hayley with the "R" which Mike stole from the Parliament House sign!

Monday, March 12, 2007

UK pavillion and Mickey's retreat

Di and Laura - the Scottish lassies, outside on cart

Adam in the sports shop; Hayley in the Beatles and random British souvenirs shop; Caroline and Mark in the toy shop

Kyle by his favourite Miller Harris perfumes!; Jenna in the tea shop; Beth in the tea shop; Suzie on cart

Mickey's Retreat sign - woo hoo!

Flatwarming for Beth

Kim, a bit tipsy; action shot of people playing the clapping game; Kyle brushing his hair and posing with a broom...I don't know why!

Kirsty posing between the pillars by our front doors

Alehouse and Throwout

David, me and Cody; Caroline, Melissa and Steph; David, Jenna, Kim and Luke; Adam, Mark, Nat, Cas and Pauline

Hayley, me and Di; Hannah and Suzanne; Mark, Hayley, Adam and Nat; Cas, Pauline, Jenna and Mark

Kim, Luke and Donna in the taxi

Kirsty at the throwout; James (very drunk); Jame posing with the penguin he acquired from the throwout!; Beth

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

House of Blues and 8Trax

Me in the top I made on Saturday - was a fitted t-shirt, but I cut it up, sewed a few bits here and there and made it into a halterneck top! - yes somehow I have time for sewing out here!!!; Ana and Kirsty x 2; Kirsty, Ana and me in 8Trax

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


My fantabulous hat!!!

Caroline and Steph; Beth; Kyle (looking the other way!) and Ana; David

Caroline; James and Jen; David looking cute in his Mickey hat; Hayley and half of me!

Caroline posing in her t-shirt; Steph bowling; Kyle bowling; Ana, Beth and me

Kyle, wearing a very appropriate tiara with Vicky; Caroline and me doing the "Disney point"; Steph and Caroline; me with a very nice pink bowling ball!

View of the alley - a sea of yellow!; James with a very big tourist-esque camera; a group shot of us with Jeff, the manager; Steph in a gorgeous hat!

Group photo! Go team Merch!

Me doing a star-jump - thanks for the shot Kyle - took us three gos to get it right!

Me and the lovely Kyle

Evening at Epcot