Our plane to Houston; Suzie on the plane; before taking off; Suzie with Ghirardelli chocolate!
The view out the window and arrival in Houston
Piccies of our hostel bedroom and the view from our window
The Hostel sign and me outside by a very steep hill!; a random painting on a building

Random street; Italian restaurant we ate in; us at the table and our dinner
A Candy store we went in; a T-shit that I wanted to buy; evidence of how cold it was - Suzie shivering in her hoodie!
My gigantic pastry!; and me eating it; Suzie and her pastry; a Pirates of the Caribbean cake we found with Jack and Will on it!
Big pointy building, can't remember what it's called!; another steep hill; me in front of Coit Tower; and then Coit Tower
On the boat to Alcatraz with shots of the city in the background and then the island approaching

On the island!: Building where the correction officers and their families lived; entry sign with graffit from when the American Indians invaded; walking up to the prison; details of the prison bars
A great quote at the entrance; the clothing area for when the prisoners arrived; the shower area; one of the cell blocks
Me outside one of the cells; interior of two cells; looking up and along one cell block
View of their recreational area; me inside one of the cells - I had been arrested for eating too much; photo of Al Capone George Machine Gun Kelly who were both prisoners at Alcatraz; an isolation cell, where Al Capone also spent some time
One of the prisoners who made a fake head on his pillow in an attempt to escape; a tear gas canister in the dining room; the breakfast menu; the knife cabinet which had to have the knives painted on it so they knew if one had been stolen

My sourdough bread and chilli soup for lunch - delicious!; Alcatraz Island in the background
Seals at Pier 39; shopping area at Pier 39; a creperie - I didn't have one but it looked good; chocolate shop
Boudin Bakery!; delicious donut shop!; Coldstone Creamery; Ghirardelli Square!
More pics of Ghirardelli Square - my mecca!
Exterior and inside the Ghirardelli shop

Yummy chocolate at Ghirardelli; Golden Gate Bridge - finally!!!
More of the bridge and view of the city
More bridge...
The sun setting on the Golden Gate Bridge
North Beach Festival; a pretty church; beautiful houses

North Beach festival again
Piccies of buildings downtown; our Thai lunch in Haight and Ashbury
The cable car we rode!; Lombard Street - the most crooked street
More Lombard street
More Lombard street