Suzie, Pauline, James, me, Kyle, Beth and Hayley
Me, Kyle, Mark, Suzie, Laura, Peter, Nat, Hayley and some guy I didn't know!
Another group photo - this time with a man/woman in the orange - I'm not really sure which - but s/he worked there!
This is a website for all my Walt Disney World photos to show where I am living and working in Florida!
Suzie, Pauline, James, me, Kyle, Beth and Hayley
Me, Kyle, Mark, Suzie, Laura, Peter, Nat, Hayley and some guy I didn't know!
Another group photo - this time with a man/woman in the orange - I'm not really sure which - but s/he worked there!
Kyle and Beth; Mark, Suzie and Kyle; Pauline, Mark and Suzie; Me and Mark
Pauline and Mark; Suzie posing; Kyle posing; Pauline, Suzie, Mark, Beth, Kyle and Hayley
Kyle and me; Beth and Hayley; Kyle, me and James; Suzie and James
Hayley, me and Di; Hannah and Suzanne; Mark, Hayley, Adam and Nat; Cas, Pauline, Jenna and Mark
Kim, Luke and Donna in the taxi
Kirsty at the throwout; James (very drunk); Jame posing with the penguin he acquired from the throwout!; Beth
Caroline posing in her t-shirt; Steph bowling; Kyle bowling; Ana, Beth and me
Kyle, wearing a very appropriate tiara with Vicky; Caroline and me doing the "Disney point"; Steph and Caroline; me with a very nice pink bowling ball!
View of the alley - a sea of yellow!; James with a very big tourist-esque camera; a group shot of us with Jeff, the manager; Steph in a gorgeous hat!
Me doing a star-jump - thanks for the shot Kyle - took us three gos to get it right!