From left to right: Steph; Celsey; Celsey, Carla and Me; Steph, Me, Celsey and Carla
This is a website for all my Walt Disney World photos to show where I am living and working in Florida!
More streets in the park x 2; Jaws shark; Men In Black ride.
Delorion from Back to the Future (not sure about spelling there!)
Our hotel room and pool!; Celsey and Steph on the balcony
Me, Steph and Celsey at dinner
My cookie!!!; Compared to my flip-flop - I felt the comparison was needed to fully understand the proportions of the cookie - bear in mind I take a size 8 shoe!
Steph and her cookie!
Our hotel
My Clearwater top!
The fairground at Old Town, Kissimmee; General Store; vintage car
Vintage shop signs; dress shop
Vintage car bonnet in 1950s shop
Nat, Adam and Hannah; Me, Hannah and Adam; All four of us; Nat and Dom
Donna, Hannah and Adam; Nat and me; Adam, Dom and me; the Happy New Year banner at work the next day.
Me looking less than impressed with the direction that my ball was heading in!
More shots of the golf course.